Civil Liberties
Civil liberties include:
Freedom of press/expression/speech
Freedom of religion
Right to privacy
Equal treatment under the law
Right to life
Freedom to bear arms
Our freedom to speech and expression are under threat all the time
Discrimination against religions
LIttle online privacy
No equal treatment under the law as it is systematically racist
No rights to life due to systematic racism
Gun restrictions
Our Solutions:
To protect our freedom of speech and press we must dismantle giant press/media corporations and support journalists who bring facts and truth to light.
To protect religious freedom, we must remove Muslim travel bans, as well as name all other religions under the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act including Muslims, Catholics and other religions as races to be protected.
In order to truly have rights to privacy, we must work on having net neutrality, creating stronger laws against facebook and against the collection of personal information. Companies must ask for personal information instead of having consumers being automatically enrolled.
In order to achieve equal treatment under the law and a right to life we must have:
Affordable housing for all
A decent minimum wage that increases yearly
Free education including college for all
Free health care for all, regardless of immigration status
To protect our right to bear arms we must have a federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity magazines. America must stop selling weapons to domestic violence perps to ensure they can’t buy firearms, we must close loopholes against perpetrators of domestic violence, we must prevent the selling of firearms to terrorists, we must keep guns away from high-risk individuals, and we must require safer more thorough background checks.